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In Solidarität mit allen Friedfertigen sind wir im Herzen bei den Menschen in der Ukraine - Deutsche Oper Berlin

In solidarity with the people of Ukraine

“Russia’s attack on Ukraine is a shocking violation of the peaceful order that Europe has enjoyed over recent decades. The Federal Chancellor is right when he talks of ‘a flagrant breach of international law’. The members of the Deutscher Bühnenverein, along with countless other groups, never lost hope that reason would prevail and a diplomatic solution could be found to this deliberately unleashed conflict. This hope in the power of peace and dialogue have been cruelly dashed by the decision of the Russian President.


It is clear that Russia’s war is not simply about expanding the extent of its power; the evidence is plain that the war is a fundamental assault on the concept of a free and open Ukrainian society, on the free expression of art and culture around the world and on people’s desire to live in peaceful and heterogeneous harmony.


The Deutscher Bühnenverein stands in solidarity with all those who continue to put their faith in the possibility of peaceful and pluralist coexistence, in the power of art and in the calming effect of culture – and who are now forced to fight for those things, both in Ukraine and across Russian civil society. There are many good examples of how cultural exchanges and artistic collaborations can transcend borders and lay the foundations for peace and understanding. We will do our utmost to ensure that these efforts do not fade, that peace-loving people are still able to work together and that art and culture can be tools to that end. These are dark days for Europe, and we are going to have to fight for enlightenment.”


Carsten Brosda (President, Deutscher Bühnenverein)

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