„Der steinerne Gast in der Burg…“ - Deutsche Oper Berlin
"The stone guest at the castle..."
Experience more together!

It could hardly be more impressive! The rake Don Giovanni (DON GIOVANNI, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) and the megalomaniac Nabucco (NABUCCO, Giuseppe Verdi) wreak havoc in Olavinlinna Castle, built in 1472 in the middle of the Finnish lake district - a musical and theatrical delight, especially thanks to the powerful-voiced Mika Kares, who thrilled audiences as both the Commendatore and Zaccaria.
A group of more than 30 members of the Friends travelled through Finland for five days, visiting the house of Jean Sibelius and the largest museum of mechanical musical instruments. The highlight was the Savonlinna Opera Festival, which was held in 1912 and is one of the oldest opera festivals in the world - and today welcomes more than 60,000 guests every year. Kiitos, se oli erittäin mukavaa!