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Open letter from the Theatre and Orchestra Organisation Berlin

Protect Berlin's cultural scene in the budget crisis

The drastic savings targets for the cultural sector of 110 to 150 million euros for 2025 – and a comparable sum for 2026 – would be tantamount to a clear-cutting of Berlin's culture. The Landesverband Berlin des Bühnenvereins has therefore written an open letter to the governing mayor Wegner and senators Evers and Chialo. As an association of opera and concert houses, orchestras, spoken theatre, revue and cabaret in Berlin, we call on the Senate to focus on the social and economic importance of culture in the upcoming deliberations on the consolidation of the overall state budget. The volume of savings achieved in the city's smallest departmental budget is in blatant disproportion to the immense damage, for which a high price will continue to be paid for decades to come. We appeal to you: Do not undermine Berlin's culture. Berlin lives from its culture. Culture shapes society and creates quality of life. It is the decisive location factor for Berlin. Every euro spent on culture is an investment that pays off many times over. In ideal, social and economic terms. Please support our petition with your signature. We thank you in advance for your support and hope to welcome you (again) soon – with best regards, Dietmar Schwarz und Thomas Fehrle
Protect Berlin's cultural scene in the budget crisis
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12 October; 3 November 2024

La traviata

In setting »La Dame aux Camélias« to music, Verdi explored, in a shockingly direct way, two big themes of the 19th century: prostitution and consumption. Götz Friedrich’s production stresses the futility of Violetta Valéry’s attempt to escape her fate … Conductor: Dominic Limburg / Friedrich Praetorius; Director: Götz Friedrich; With Adela Zaharia / Nina Solodovnikova, Andrei Danilov / Attilio Glaser, Bogdan Baciu /Thomas Lehman, Karis Tucker / Arianna Manganello a.o.
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Violetta Valéry, die Titelfigur in LA TRAVIATA, sitzt auf einem Bett in einem roten Mantel. In ihrer Hand eine Kamelie.
20, 26, 30 October 2024


This opera is a monolith: it is considered the freedom opera par excellence and is probably the first-ever specifically German opera in its fusion of rescue opera, humanist oratorio and melodrama. David Hermann focuses on the manipulation mechanisms of power and powerlessness ... Conductor: Stephan Zilias; Director: David Hermann; With Artur Garbas, Joel Allison, Oreste Cosimo, Jane Archibald, Tobias Kehrer, Lilit Davtyan, Thomas Cilluffo a. o.
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Diese Szenenimpression aus Beethovens Fidelio zeigt die zerstörten Gefängnismauern. Im Vordergrund gehen der Gefängniswärter Rocco und sein neuer Gehilfe Fidelio, die ihren Gatten Florestan finden wollende Leonore im Kostüm eines Mannes.
5, 13 October 2024


Wagner's opera about the Minnesinger torn between earthly and heavenly love is one of the works that has shaped the artistic identity of the house over decades - not least because of the famous Pilgrims' Chorus, which is the showpiece of our chorus. In Kirsten Harms' colourful production, which evokes the imagery of the Middle Ages, the members of the chorus appear effectively not only as penitents but also as a magnificently decked-out court company ... Conductor: Axel Kober; Director: Kirsten Harms; With Tobias Kehrer, Clay Hilley, Thomas Lehman, Camilla Nylund a. o.
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Aus dem Bühnenhimmel schwebt die Figur einen mittelalterlichen Ritters herab. Frauen in Bodysuits, die Nacktheit überhöhen, nehmen ihn in Empfang. Seifenblasen verstärken die erotisch aufgeladene Situation des Venusbergs.
27 October; 10 November 2024

Tristan und Isolde

Musically highly romantic and crossing the threshold to modernity, Wagner lets his couple run with existential inexorability into a hopeless dilemma. Disturbing and fascinating in its uncompromising portrayal of obsessive love, this work - based on a myth - has become a myth itself ... Conductor: Petr Popelka; Director: Sir Graham Vick; With Clay Hilley, Albert Pesendorfer / Georg Zeppenfeld, Ricarda Merbeth, Thomas Lehman, Jörg Schörner, Irene Roberts a. o.
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Auf diesem Bild ist eine typische Szenenimpression aus Graham Vicks Inszenierung von TRISTAN UND ISOLDE. Tristan und Isolde sitzen engumschlungen auf einem Ledersofa. Die Szenerie ist in Nachtblau getaucht. Generell ist die Szenerie sehr heutig. Das gesamte Werk spielt in einem Wohnzimmer in Bungalow-Architektur. Nach hinten öffnet eine Fensterfront den Blick in eine andere Welt, hinein in die Welt der Toten und der Seelen. Die Kostüme sind durchweg heutig. Lediglich das Schwert Tristans öffnet eine Imagination in Richtung Mittelalter. Monolithen durchdringen den Fußboden und stehen als merkwürdige Fremdkörper mit im Raum.
6, 10, 21 October 2024

Il barbiere di Siviglia

For 200 years Rossini’s BARBIERE has been considered as the epitome of musical comedy. The archetypes of commedia dell’arte are constantly shimmering through the storyline revolving around the resourceful Figaro – an ambiguity that is not lost in Katharina Thalbach’s vibrant and hectic production … Conducted by Giulio Cilona; directed by Katharina Thalbach; with Kieran Carrel, Marco Filippo Romano, Cecilia Molinari / Martina Baroni, Dean Murphy, Manuel Fuentes a. o.
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Auf dem Foto eine Szenenimpression aus dem großen Finale der Oper IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA. Die Darsteller*innen tragen Kostüme des Rokoko und der Commedia dell'arte.
to LA FIAMMA - Premiere on 29 September 2024

Transfiguration of an icon

Ottorino Respighi and his librettist Claudio Guastalla were economical with the truth, transferring the action of a Norwegian witch trial in 1590 to 7th-century Ravenna. No matter that this predated witch trials by centuries and was alien to Byzantine Italy. By altering the era and geography of this story of love and witchcraft, they bigged up the conflict into one between Christianity and paganism, Orthodoxy and heresy. ... Witches’ potential lies in the grey zone between reality and fiction. They are fascinating characters, narrative surfaces onto which we can project our versions of the female sorcerer. Read about this in our blog article and experience Ottorino Respighi's opera LA FIAMMA, which tells the story of a witch hunt.
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La fiamma
Ein Kupferstich von 1692. Er zeigt eine Szene aus den berühmten Hexenprozessen von Salem in Massachusetts/USA, die bis heute unzählige Erzählungen und Filme inspirieren
to LA FIAMMA - Premiere on 29 September 2024

In the maelstrom of intrigue

A FIAMMA throws three women into a brutal conflict full of intrigue, betrayal and denunciation. And that means: three great singers engage in a musical exchange of blows. Two of these interpreters, Doris Soffel as Agnese di Cervia and Martina Serafin as Eudossia, talk about how they approach a great, virtually unknown opera and how they find their way into their roles. Read the interviews in the blog and experience the two exceptional artists in Respighi's LA FIAMMA in the production by Christof Loy (DAS WUNDER DER HELIANE, FRANCESCA DA RIMINI, DER SCHATZGRÄBER) and under the musical direction of Carlo Rizzi.
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La fiamma
Zwei Porträtfotos nebeneinander: Martina Serafin (links) und Doris Soffel (rechts), die in Respighis LA FIAMMA die Partien der Eudossia und der Agnese interpretieren.
to LA FIAMMA - Premiere on 29 September 2024

The Sum of his Creativity

LA FIAMMA is the sum of Respighi‘s (left on the picture) creativity. It is an opera which would be unimaginable today: a true melodrama. Nothing more grandiose had been written since the end of Act I of TURANDOT. The opera is set in the Byzantian Ravenna in the 7th century, an epoch Respighi was itching to have his way with, musically speaking. Thus, the literary model was antedated by a meagre 900 years. The opera is full of oriental sounds, Latin chants, veristic cantilenas and Monteverdian monodies. The sound is sombre, archaic, ever earnest and highly dramatic. Read more about Respighi and his last opera in our blog or attend one of our performances.
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La fiamma
Eine zeitgenössische Fotografie von Respighi (l.) mit seinem Librettisten Claudio Guastalla 1932 in Rom.
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Our video recommendations

Ottorino Respighi: La fiamma, Premiere on 29 September 2024
video - 02:49 min.

Ottorino Respighi: La fiamma, Premiere on ...

Ottorino Respighi: La fiamma, Premiere on 29 September 2024
La fiamma – Audience reaction after the premiere on 29 September 2024
video - 03:13 min.

La fiamma – Audience reaction after the ...

La fiamma – Audience reaction after the premiere on 29 September 2024
La fiamma – A Teaser, Premiere on 29 September 2024
video - 00:37 min.

La fiamma – A Teaser, Premiere on 29 September ...

La fiamma – A Teaser, Premiere on 29 September 2024
127 seconds with: Doris Soffel, in LA FIAMMA from 29 September 2024
video - 02:06 min.

127 seconds with: Doris Soffel, in LA FIAMMA ...

127 seconds with: Doris Soffel, in LA FIAMMA from 29 September 2024
John Adams: Nixon in China, Premiere on 22 June 2024
video - 02:47 min.

John Adams: Nixon in China, Premiere on ...

John Adams: Nixon in China, Premiere on 22 June 2024
Richard Strauss: Intermezzo, Premiere on 25 April 2024
video - 02:47 min.

Richard Strauss: Intermezzo, Premiere on ...

Richard Strauss: Intermezzo, Premiere on 25 April 2024
Pjotr I. Tschaikowskij: Pique Dame, Premiere on 9 March 2024
video - 02:34 min.

Pjotr I. Tschaikowskij: Pique Dame, Premiere ...

Pjotr I. Tschaikowskij: Pique Dame, Premiere on 9 March 2024
George Benjamin: Written on Skin, Premiere on 27 January 2024
video - 02:29 min.

George Benjamin: Written on Skin, Premiere ...

George Benjamin: Written on Skin, Premiere on 27 January 2024
Gaetano Donizetti: Anna Bolena, Premiere on 15 December 2023
video - 02:02 min.

Gaetano Donizetti: Anna Bolena, Premiere ...

Gaetano Donizetti: Anna Bolena, Premiere on 15 December 2023
Giacomo Puccini: Il trittico, Premiere on 30 September 2023
video - 00:35 min.

Giacomo Puccini: Il trittico, Premiere on ...

Giacomo Puccini: Il trittico, Premiere on 30 September 2023


21 September 1944 – 3 October 2024

In memoriam Gottfried Pilz

Gottfried Pilz once revealed that his work was not about decoration, but about revealing what was behind a wall, what lay beyond the boundaries. And in fact, each of the stage designs that Pilz created over the course of his long career reflects this examination of the essence and message of the underlying work. Eighteen productions are associated with Pilz at Deutsche Oper Berlin, in addition to his collaboration with Götz Friedrich (DER ROSENKAVALIER, UN BALLO IN MASCHERA, BORIS GODUNOW, AMAHL) and John Dew ( THE HUGENOTS, FAUST), his work with Günter Krämer (DIALOGUES DES CARMÉLITES, AUFSTIEG UND FALL DER STADT MAHAGONNY) is particularly worthy of mention. He passed away unexpectedly last Thursday. We mourn the loss of one of the greats in his field and will honour his memory and his work.
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Schwarz-Weiß- Porträt von Gottfried Pilz.
Now available on DVD / Blu-ray

Rued Langgaard: Antikrist

The Antichrist makes his entrance into a godless world. Sent by Lucifer into the world, he adopts many guises. Mankind is tested and tempted by pride, lust, lies, despondency and hatred in an “all-against-all altercation”. Langgaard’s opera is suffused with fin de siècle atmosphere and pessimism, denouncing the vices of the modern age: egotism, arrogance, frivolity. Langgaard, though, was also an optimist, convinced of the transformative power of art and the importance of music as a thread connecting people to the godhead. ANTIKRIST has now been released on DVD and Blu-ray. Conducted by Stephan Zilias, the production by Ersan Mondtag features Thomas Lehman, Jonas Grundner-Culemann, Valeriia Savinskaia, Irene Roberts, Clemens Bieber, Maire Therese Carmack, Flurina Stucki, AJ Glueckert, Andrew Dickinson and Joel Allison.
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Antikrist 24/25
In blaues Nachtlicht getaucht ist die Stadtansicht. Der Straßenflucht optisch folgende stehen Tänzer*innen von links vorne zur hinteren Bühnenmitte. Am hinteren Ende der Straßenflucht liegt - einzig nicht in einem Körperproportionen verändernden Bodysuit - Gottes Stimme. Er liegt am Boden und versucht sich von diesem zu erheben.
We warmly congratulate the award winner.

Lisenka Heijboer Castañón receives the Götz Friedrich Prize 2024

The Götz Friedrich Prize for the 2023/2024 season goes to Lisenka Heijboer Castañón for her production of THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THE OTHER MARY by John Adams at the Vienna Volksoper. Chaired by the artistic director of the Deutsche Oper Berlin, Dietmar Schwarz, the jury voted in favor of awarding the 5,000 euro prize to the Dutch-Peruvian director. The award ceremony will take place on October 16, 2024 in the foyer of the Deutsche Oper Berlin. 
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Award ceremony
Die niederländisch-peruanische Regisseurin Lisenka Heijboer Castañón bei den Proben vor den Kulissen von THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THE OTHER MARY von John Adams
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